F.A.Q. on Elzpod

What's this?
Consider this as an online radio. This is just a media for propagating our local music. The list is generated based on our zine current issues.

How can I download songs?
You can not download songs here. Elzzine doesn't condone piracy.

Wait! Why there’s my song here?!
We grab it 'cause we desperately love it!
In case you’re an artist or label and you don't want your song to be promoted here, just mail us at elzzine[at]ymail[dot]com …and we‘ll remove it as soon as possible. You can have our words!
Elzzine's only meant to give a sample to our readers community so that they can discover new indie bands, buy their albums, tell their friends, go to their gigs and make them pretty damn popular, but we do understand that there may be some legal issues with the tracks listed here.

I think my song can pimp the playlist..
In case you're a band/ artist/ label and you'd like your song to be featured in our next list, just send your request to elzzine[at]ymail[dot]com

Will Kangen Band, Nidji and ST-12 listed here someday?
Out of topic! Next question, please...

How often do you guys update?
We pull at least a bunch every month.